18 Oct

Posted by Liv Phillips

SDRs Anonymous: Unfiltered

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On Wednesday last week, Venatrix had the pleasure of joining Kaitlen Kelly (Sales Manager @ Klaviyo) and Morgan J Ingram (3x Linkedin Sales Voice, Content Creator & Sales Coach) for an online unfiltered SDR talk. We learnt about all things AI and selling in today’s current environment. 


Morgan started off by talking about his journey as an SDR, and how he got to where he is today. He started a YouTube channel called The SDR Chronicles and posted every single day to Linkedin. His brand grew very quickly and soon was promoted to an SDR Manager. Morgan managed 13 SDRs and was discovered by John Barrows. He had trained in Salesforce and came to Morgan to be the first time Sales Trainer. 3 and a half years of sales training - 80 - 120 per year. 

Over the years, how has AI changed the landscape when it comes to prospecting over the years?

 48% of reps say they aren’t spending enough time doing active selling time. Teams are adding in AI tools to help them accelerate, look up info and input data. Tools will write better, sell better, get data quicker. If you’re able to look at these AI tools and get these components, it’s going to allow you to be very successful in the way you go about it and reach out to individuals!


Are there specific tools you would recommend to SDRs for leveraging their prospecting?

 Crystal Knows

 This tool uses DISC profile results to guide you in how to best approach your prospect. From a cold email to a cold call, it will give you insights to set you up for success. 



 Personalise faster with relevancy. This tool uses AI data points to create personalised sentences for you in your inbox and then analyses your email and fixes anything that may be hurting your chance of a reply. 



 This is an AI tool that reduces the time spent researching companies by providing you insights and news that could signal buying behaviour. Pro Tip to maximise: Make a list of 5 buying signals for your ICP and focus on those i.e Recent Funding, Growing GTM team, New leadership, etc…



 Understand the ROI of where your time is spent and better structure your days/ weeks to smash your day to day activities. This is a time tracker tool that will help identify areas where you may be spending too much time such as researching a prospect or planning out your day to ensure you get all tasks completed in an efficient way. 


See you next week!